After the tentative agreement for Manitoba Civil Service employees was rejected last month, the parties resumed negotiations on Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011. The Civil Service Bargaining Committee presented a revised package to the Government, including proposals for general pay increases in the first two years of the four-year contract.

The Government responded with a final offer, which maintains their position that there will be no general pay increases in 2010 and 2011.

Although Civil Service members were not successful in achieving monetary gains in the first two years, the Government agreed that the lay-off protection would be extended to non-seasonal departmental employees over the life of the agreement. As well, they agreed to ensure dental fee guides are kept current on an ongoing basis, starting in 2012, and that kilometre reimbursement rates for employees will remain the same regardless of distance travelled, starting in 2013.

The MGEU will now be arranging times and locations for ratification meetings and will prepare a voting package for Civil Service members that will include that information along with a mail-in ballot and details of the agreement. Seasonal employees and other employees on leave must contact the MGEU Resource Centre to request a voting package with a ballot.

If you have questions, feel free to contact the Resource Centre or your Component Director.