It’s been a particularly long and difficult round of negotiations for the Corrections Component sub-agreement. But it all came to a head recently, when the province submitted its final offer to the Corrections bargaining committee.

The employer’s final offer includes a few minor improvements in a number of areas, but the committee is presenting it to members with a NEUTRAL recommendation. Now is the time for members to decide if the package goes far enough in addressing members’ priorities, as every active Corrections member will have their chance to vote to accept or reject the offer.

The MGEU has prepared and mailed a voting package which includes…

- the employer’s final offer package;
- a highlight sheet that briefly outlines changes contained in the offer;
- a list of scheduled information meetings and voting times;
- a ballot, ballot envelope, and postage-paid envelope.

How members can cast their ballot

There are two ways for Corrections members to cast their ballot:
1. Send your ballot in the postage-paid envelope to the Winnipeg MGEU office (ballots must be received no later than 4pm, March 1, 2011).

2. Attend an information meeting in your area and put your vote in the ballot box. Members of the Bargaining Committee and Staff Representatives will also be available to review and discuss the offer with you. If you choose to vote at a meeting, you must bring your ballot with you as a second ballot will not be issued.

Some members may have already received the voting package in the mail, but every active member should expect the package in their mailbox within the next few days. If you do not receive a package or if you have any questions about the voting process, contact the MGEU Resource Centre or any member of the Bargaining Committee.

The Corrections Bargaining Committee:

Umberto Willner, The Pas Correctional Centre
Ed Dufour, Dauphin Correctional Centre
Brian Parley, Brandon Correctional Centre
Ryan Espey, Agassiz Youth Centre
Leigh Hogue, Portage Women’s Correctional Centre
Ian Macaskill, Headingley Correctional Centre
Bill McLachlan, Manitoba Youth Centre
Maurice Ciarelli, Remand Centre
Brian Crockett, Milner Ridge Correctional Centre
Pat Gilbertson, Component Director
Darren Darvill, 3rd Vice-President
Ken Crawford, MGEU Corrections Negotiator/Staff Representative