Staff and members from the Manitoba Government and General Employees’ Union and Red River College (RRC) gathered yesterday afternoon, to celebrate the opening of a full-time union office on the Notre Dame campus of RRC.

Having a full-time Union Officer with office space on site was negotiated in the College’s last collective agreement. Proposals for a full time employer paid union representative for RRC and a half time one for Assiniboine Community College have been on the table the last three rounds of negotiations.

The role of the Union Officer is to facilitate conflict resolution at the workplace including handling complaints, grievances and participating in joint labour/management committees. The position of Union Officer is held by Penny Copeland.

“I am pleased to see such a progressive form of Labour Relations being practiced here. I think it is significant that the College is amenable to this, and willing to provide the space,” said Copeland.

Copeland, who has been on the local executive for over a decade, strongly believes that resolving conflicts at the lowest possible level is always the best solution, but can use more formal means when necessary. “I find the role of advocate for this membership as rewarding as it is challenging,” she said.