The Civil Service tentative agreement package was mailed out on Friday, January 7. 

The package includes a highlight sheet of what was achieved at the table; a comprehensive and detailed overview of the offer; a schedule of province-wide meetings and voting times; and a ballot and post-paid envelope that can be mailed into the MGEU office.

Seasonal employees and other employees on leave must contact the MGEU Resource Centre to request a voting package with a ballot.

During the third week in January, the Civil Service Bargaining Committee and MGEU staff will be on hand at meetings across the province to review and discuss the offer with members.

Two options to cast your ballot

1. Attend an information session in your area, where members of the Bargaining Committee will answer questions about the tentative agreement and have ballot boxes on hand for voting, or

2. Mail in your marked ballot to the MGEU office using the self-addressed stamped envelope included in your package.

Download the GEMA 2011 Highlight Sheet

Download the GEMA 2011 Vote Schedule

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