After nine months at the bargaining table, the Civil Service Bargaining Committee has reached a tentative agreement with the Province on behalf of 14,000 government employees.

About the Agreement

The four-year deal includes a general wage increase of 2.75% in each of the last two years; and a no lay-off clause, which will be in effect for the full duration of the agreement. Wages will not be increased in the first two years of the agreement.

The agreement also includes a 2% long service step, effective in the third year for employees with 20 or more years of service, as well as approximately 1% allocated for special wage adjustments in the third year. A number of improvements to health benefits, expense reimbursement rates and premiums were also achieved.

About the Vote

The vote will take place January 17th – 20th with specific times and locations for ratification meetings now being finalized in a voting package. That package will be sent to each Civil Service member, along with a mail-in ballot, in the first week of January. Further details of the agreement will be included in the package. Seasonal employees and other employees on leave must contact the MGEU Resource Centre to request a voting package with a ballot.

It’s a very busy time of year, but the MGEU is making every effort to get details of the agreement out to each and every member as soon as possible. If you have questions once you have read over the details, feel free to contact the Resource Centre or your Component Director.

Your Civil Service Bargaining Committee:
Debbie Navitka: Administration Component
Peter Roberts / Bev Schreyer: Clerical Component
Pat Gilbertson: Corrections Component
Darcie Johnson: Health Component
Roger Gillis: Legal, Inspection, and Regulatory Component
Jennifer Stepaniuk: Physical Sciences Component
Mark Soltys / Jan Henley : Social Sciences Component
Wally Fletcher / Len Caminha: Trades, Operations & Services
Michelle Gawronsky / Lois Wales: MGEU 1st Vice-President
Janet Kehler: Staff Representative
Sheila Gordon: Chief Negotiator