Since the last update, the Civil Service Bargaining Committee has been working tirelessly at the table to address the issues each Component put forward last fall, and to reach a deal on monetary issues.

As everyone no doubt recalls, the Finance Minister first announced a wage freeze for all public sector employees last spring. To this point, the employer has not wavered on this issue and their refusal to budge has created a climate at the table that is different, and much more difficult, than any round this past decade.

Although to date we have made some real gains in non-monetary areas such as working conditions and employee rights, we continue to receive little response from government when it comes to raises in the first two years. Several other groups have now accepted the government’s wage freeze, and the employer continues to treat this as non-negotiable for them.

Currently, the Bargaining Committee is at work going through the employer’s latest offer in order to identify the very best deal possible throughout the life of the entire agreement. If the civil service is faced with a two-year wage freeze, the Committee is determined to achieve significant gains in the overall contract, including job protection throughout the life of the agreement.

The Committee is well aware of the issues Components identified as priorities this round, and is continuing to pursue improvements to health benefits, premiums, and mileage, just to name a few.

The Committee greatly appreciates the patience and ongoing support of all Civil Service members. For further updates, please check or contact your Component Director through the Resource Centre at 982-6438 (1-866-982-6438).