A private members bill that would create a national housing strategy to increase the supply of safe, affordable housing has survived another hurdle in Canada's minority Conservative parliament.

Bill C-304, introduced by Vancouver NDP MP Libby Davies, was sent back to committee by a vote of 141-132 on Thursday to consider a number of revisions related to provincial jurisdiction in the issue.

"I am supportive of doing this as I want to ensure that members of the BQ and Quebec housing groups are in full support of the bill," Davies says.

Liberal and BQ MPs joined with the NDP in supporting the bill while the Conservatives, led by Diane Finley, the minister responsible for housing, voted against.

To pass and become law, the bill must again be reported back to the full house from committee and win another majority support in the full Commons.

Bill C-304 would require the federal government to consult with provinces, territories, municipalities, Aboriginal people, community groups and private sector interests to create a national affordable housing plan in keeping with international housing rights obligations.

Davies hopes the bill will return to the Commons for third reading before Christmas.