The ballots have been counted and the results are in: Community Support Locals 103, 104, 105, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114 and 305 have ratified a new four-year collective agreement (effective April 1, 2009 - March 31, 2013).

The deal includes general wage increases for all classifications totaling 5.8% over the four-year period as well as wage standardization adjustments of 7.8% for certified Home Care Attendants and Mental Health Proctor 3s to bring these classifications in line with counterparts in facilities. Another important part of the new agreement, which MGEU bargaining representatives fought for, was a process to establish full-time and part-time jobs in the sector.

The union has indicated to the employer that members wish to receive retroactive pay as soon as possible (and on a separate cheque where possible). Employees who do not currently work for the employer, but did work at some point between now and April 1, 2009, are required to request retroactive pay in writing.

The only local to reject the tentative agreement was Local 115 (Families First Home Visitors Wpg). The Local's negotiating representatives will head back to the table to continue bargaining in an attempt to reach a new settlement.

The Community Support component is one of the largest in the MGEU, comprised of more than 5,000 members in each of the Regional Health Authorities and three locals in Winnipeg, representing Home Care workers, Mental Health Proctors and Families First Home Visitors.