This past weekend, delegates at the 2010 convention of the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) unanimously adopted a resolution calling for a new national campaign to build a fairer and more sustainable economy.

"The economic recession and crisis was caused by greedy financial institutions and governments that let them do whatever they wanted," said James Clancy, NUPGE national president. "But it is working people and vulnerable families who are suffering the effects."

"People across the country and around the globe are looking to trade unions and other civil society groups to promote an alternative economic program based on the principles of social justice, equality and sustainability," added Clancy.

The campaign will be built around three key elements:
• Promoting the value of public services;
• Defending public employees; and
• Fighting for tax fairness.

"The top priority of our union in the coming months and years will be to reach out and engage our members in this campaign," said Clancy."

"We'll defend them and the services they provide because they are critical to building a fair and sustainable economy.

And our plan is to start a conversation with them – and by extension to others – about the need for tax fairness in this country," added Clancy.

More specific details about the campaign will be made available over the coming weeks and months.

For more stories from the 2010 NUPGE Convention, visit