Workplace violence is a growing and serious problem in Manitoba workplaces. As of 2007 a new Workplace Health and Safety law that deals with violence is in place. Workplaces now need to identify and assess the risk for violence in their workplace and develop a Workplace Violence policy.

The MFL Occupational Health Centre and Safe Communities Winnipeg is sponsoring a one-day training workshop on Workplace Violence Prevention. Topics to be covered include "What is workplace violence?" "The Consequences of workplace violence on individual workers and their workplace," and "Risk factors for workplace violence." The workshop will explore ways to eliminate or reduce the risk of workplace violence. It's primarily designed for managers, supervisors, and members of Joint Health and Safety Committees.

The Workplace Violence Prevention workshop will be held twice, first on Friday, March 26, from 9:15 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and again on Monday, March 29. Choose whichever day is more convenient for you. There is no charge to attend the workshop - but advance registration is required. Space is limited, so please register early!

Download the workshop registration form, available on the MFL Occupational Health Centre website.