The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) is launching a new advocacy series entitled Smart Money: Consumer Self-Defence for Times Like These in its continuing effort to broaden the discussion about what must be done to revive our economy in the wake of the global economic collapse.

“The economic breakdown has taught the world a number of hard lessons and we must all learn from them,” says NUPGE president James Clancy.

“We need to arm ourselves as never before with information that will help us make the best decisions for our families. Then we need to act on it," Clancy says. “One way to help is by shining the light on the fine print behind these complex issues and seeing beyond the marketing smoke and mirrors that is so often used to distract us,” Clancy says. “The Smart Money series will help people cut through the spin and show where our money is really going.”

One clear message heard at recent town hall meetings sponsored by NUPGE across the country is that more must to be done to protect hard working people from predatory business practices.

From the gouging interest rates charged by banks on credit cards to the shady practices of the payday loan industry, consumers have been increasingly buried in debt. The Smart Money series provides straightforward yet critical information on issues like these that families face today — and advice on how the public can fight back.

“Our way out of this recession is to build a strong and equitable economy that serves the common good,” says Clancy. “People must not be left to the mercy of the big banks and the other scavengers ready and waiting to exploit them. Governments have the capacity to play a constructive role in rebuilding our communities and restoring the country to a stable economic footing. We all have a role to play in making our leaders accountable.”