The MGEU would like to challenge all members to come out and donate blood in support of the Sirens for Life Challenge.

In February 2006, members of the Winnipeg Police Service and the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service, in conjunction with Canadian Blood Services introduced its first “Sirens for Life Blood Challenge”.

The challenge was to match or exceed the number of blood donations provided by each Service during the month of March. This year, both Services hope to achieve a 9% participation rate. We would like to encourage new donors to join the challenge with hopes to meet or even exceed this goal.

The Winnipeg Police Service and the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service are proud to assist Canadian Blood Services again this year by officially launching the 2010 Sirens for Life Challenge beginning on March 1st, 2010.

By donating blood, members are able to go beyond the call of their regular duties and give of themselves in order to save lives and to further benefit Canadian Blood Services, our hospitals and our communities.

Members from each Service along with their families, friends are invited to participate in the challenge by donating blood on behalf of their respective Service. All other citizens are also encouraged to donate to assist Canadian Blood Services in maintaining their much needed blood supply.

Let’s do our part in ensuring an adequate supply of blood is available to all citizens by donating today.

Anyone wishing to participate in the Blood Challenge is requested to contact Canadian Blood Services at (1-888-2DONATE) 1-888-236-6283 to book your appointment. Please indicate that you are participating in the 2010 Sirens for Life Blood Challenge and which Service you are representing.

Every minute of every day someone in Canada needs blood. Let’s do our part in ensuring an adequate supply of blood is available to all citizens by donating today.