Since June 2009, the MGEU has been at the bargaining table with the Society for Manitobans with Disabilities to try to iron out a new collective agreement for 102 MGEU members of Local 262.

Finalizing a tentative agreement was no small task, particularly since this multi-funded non-profit agency continues to face challenges in securing long term funding for the services Manitobans rely on every day.

The recent economic downturn impacted the government funding SMD receives as well as the amount the agency receives through its network of private donors. To compound matters, there is no single funder to negotiate with, which means there is no single funder to take responsibility for these short falls.

Yesterday, members voted to ratify their agreement. Some highlights from the agreement include:

• Retroactive pay for members employed at the time of ratification

• Maternity Leave top up

• Improvements to bereavement leave

• Inclement weather Article for when members are not able to attend the workplace due to road closures and/or vehicle breakdown

The collective agreement will be proofed by both parties and once deemed accurate signed and then copies will be forwarded to the membership.