The MGEU’s National Union (NUPGE) will be providing $25,000 in financial assistance to international relief efforts to help deal with the tragic devastation of the massive earthquake in Haiti.

On Tuesday afternoon, Haiti was rocked by a 7.0-magnitude earthquake. The country's capital, Port-au-Prince, lies in ruins. Early reports suggest the earthquake may have killed tens of thousands of people or more. It has damaged or destroyed untold thousands of homes, heavily damaged the water system, destroyed hospitals and schools and knocked out electricity in much of the country.

“These are very difficult and emotional times and it is important that we do our part to give the people of Haiti the support they need as they go through yet another catastrophe,” said NUPGE President James Clancy.

NUPGE will make a $25,000 donation from its Social Justice Solidarity Fund (SJSF) and it is currently exploring a number of organizations in Haiti which it can provide with donations.

The union would like to focus on organizations that are able to provide short-term emergency relief and long-term assistance in the task of helping the Haitian people rebuild public services, institutions and infrastructure.

The MGEU Board of Directors will be meeting next week; part of their discussions will include what kind of donation the MGEU will be able to provide. In the mean time, MGEU President Peter Olfert is encouraging members to make individual donations to help out earthquake victims.

“We are the most generous province in the country and there is no doubt in my mind that this latest disaster in Haiti will bring out the best in Manitobans as aid relief efforts continue in the days, weeks and months to come.”

Where to Donate

There are a number of organizations, like Oxfam Canada, Canadian Red Cross, Partners in Health and UNICEF Canada, working hard in Haiti right now to do everything humanly possible to help the Haitian people rebuild their devastated lives.