As proud supporters of LITE (Local Investment Towards Employment) the MGEU is encouraging members to attend this year’s Annual Wild Blueberry Pancake Breakfast - November 27, 2009 from 7:00-10:00am at the Indian and Metis Friendship Centre (45 Robinson, at Dufferin).

The community partner-catered breakfast is a celebration of community economic development (CED) in Winnipeg’s inner city and is a highlight of the LITE campaign. Apart from raising funds for LITE’s fall campaign, this event brings together supporters and newcomers to LITE, while promoting and demonstrating CED in action. The breakfast attracts up to 1,000 people, including community members, business leaders, civil servants, students, community workers, MLAs and the Premier – all in support of LITE.

Local musicians, artists, and craftspeople (Arts & Crafts Sale) all earn income through the breakfast. A local Aboriginal worker’s co-op, Neechi Foods, is the grocer for the breakfast.

Tickets are $12, $5 for low-income earners and free for children under 12 years, and can be purchased beginning Nov. 1 at all Assiniboine Credit Union Locations, at the LITE office (942-8578), or at the door at the breakfast.

To purchase tickets or to volunteer, please contact LITE at 942-8578.