Advises members not to complete record checks until management provides more details

In a memo sent to all Family Services and Housing members on October 20th, the employer said that it was requiring Criminal Record, Child Abuse Registry, and Prior Contact Checks to be completed on all FSH staff as soon as possible “to ensure the rapid redeployment of staff should staffing levels be impacted by H1N1.”

A number of MGEU members have contacted the union concerned about why these checks are taking place and the type of work they could be transferred to which would require such checks.

The union’s Director of Negotiations, Bill Anderson and Social Sciences Director, Jan Henley have contacted the employer to express these concerns. They have requested a meeting with management this week to discuss this matter further.

The memo stated “that all Security Check Applications must be completed by November 6, 2009.”

However, the MGEU is advising all members to hold off on completing the checks until union representatives have met with the employer and had a more in-depth discussion about the issue and our concerns.

As more information becomes available, we will post it here on our website.