The MFL Occupational Health Centre is looking for workplaces in rural Manitoba to participate in health and safety groups to share information, resources and best practices at the community level with the goal of improving everyone's safety programs.

The initiative has been providing free teleconference education sessions and on-site services. For a list of previous education sessions, presentations and resources, please visit their site.

By participating, your workplace will...
• gain an awareness of health and safety issues;
• reduce injuries, WCB claims and related costs;
• network with others in your community and similar workplaces throughout the province; and
• be recognized as a community leader for workplace health and safety.
They are looking for more workplaces in the following areas:
• Eastern Manitoba – Steinbach area
• Interlake and Selkirk area
• Parkland – Dauphin area
• Western Manitoba – Brandon area
• Northern Manitoba – Thompson area
• Southern Manitoba - Morden/Winkler area
If you're interested in participating, please e-mail Andrew Dolhy at or call 926-7906 (toll free 1-888-843-1229).