The Manitoba Federation of Labour's 2009 Convention came to a close on October 4. The final report of the Convention's Credentials Committee revealed that the convention had been attended by 415 delegates, two alternatives, and 78 registered guests. During the three days of the convention, the delegates discussed many issues, received numerous reports, debated resolutions, and helped set future priorities for the MFL and the Manitoba labour movement in general.

Among the convention proceedings was Darlene Dziewit’s farewell as MFL President, the election of new officers - including Kevin Rebeck as the new MFL President, and Premier Gary Doer’s speech to delegates.

Dziewit’s farewell speech talked about the amazing changes in the Union movement since she began in 1970, including the advancements of women. She also shared some of her hopes for the future of the Union movement including the importance of continued efforts to organize the unorganized.

Premier Doer’s speech to MFL left little doubt that even though in his next job he will be required to be non-partisan, he will always be a friend to the labour movement. Doer reminded delegates of how during the NDP's time in office, they had introduced many important pieces of legislation dealing with a wide range of issues, especially in the area of labour legislation. Pieces of legislation that have benefited all working Manitobans, including annual increases to the minimum wage, workplace safety and health, workers compensation and pension benefits.
The MFLs newly elected Executive includes:
Kevin Rebeck, President
Robert Ziegler, Treasurer
Wendy Sol, Executive Vice President
Lois Wales, Executive Vice President