Tembec workers in the Pine Falls/Powerview area are currently locked out as the employer attempts to impose concessions, which would result in a 35% reduction in wages and benefits for members of the United Steelworkers and Canadian Office and Professional Employee Union (see the media release below for more details).

At the request of MGEU members who live and work in the area, the MGEU will be undertaking a “solidarity walk” on the picket line with United Steelworkers Local 3-1375 on Tuesday, September 8th at 1:30pm. MGEU “In Support” placards will be available for those who wish to wear them at the picket.

Interested participants will be meeting at the United Steelworkers strike headquarters (next to Sonny’s Chicken House at the corner of Maple and Elm in Pine Falls, MB) at 1:30pm. Any questions you may have can be directed to the MGEU Resource Centre at 1-866-982-6438 or by calling the United Steelworkers general office at 1-204-940-3050.

Thank you in advance to everyone who is able to lend their support.

Tembec to Lock Out Workers on September 1 at Manitoba Newsprint Operations in Pine Falls

WINNIPEG, MB, 28 Aug 2009 - In an all-out effort to take away some 35 per cent in wage and benefit concessions from United Steelworkers and Canadian Office and Professional Employee Union members, Tembec Inc. negotiators have informed the unions that it will lock out its Manitoba Newsprint Operations in Pine Falls on September 1, 2009.

Over 250 USW Local 3-1375 members are employed in the operations.
"The company is holding true to an ultimatum style of collective bargaining," says USW area supervisor Wayne Skrypnyk. "It threatened a shutdown on September 1 if it didn't get its way and now it is proceeding."

Union negotiators were presented further details on concession demands this morning.

At the same time the company refuses to share information on any other efforts it may be taking with other stakeholders to reduce costs for the operations.

"There's much the company could do, with other stakeholders, in terms of achieving savings on fibre and silviculture costs, woodlands costs, energy and transportation efficiencies, and taxes but it categorically refuses to share those options with us," says union staff representative Scott McRitchie.

Skrypnyk says the union is willing to continue to bargain and encourages the company to reconsider its lock out position.

"Our members and the people of Powerview-Pine Falls have already suffered enough through the current economic downturn," says Skrypnyk. "A lockout on September 1, after contract talks just begun on August 13, does not send a positive signal to workers or the community. Tembec has to act responsibly."

The Steelworkers is Canada's largest industrial union with 250,000 members in all sectors of the economy.

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Contact: Wayne Skrypnyk 204.940.3050 / 204232.7335 /
Scott McRitchie 204.940.3050