One week from today – on February 3, 2021 – the MGEU is asking members to “wear red” in support of mental health prevention and promotion in our workplaces.

“This past fall, we launched the Healthy Minds at Work campaign because most often, when we think of health and safety at work, we think of physical safety,” said MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky. “But we shouldn't stop there. Our employers are responsible for creating workplaces that protect and promote our mental health as well-- and it's time we started working together to make our psychological health a priority.”

Starting Wednesday, February 3 – and continuing on the first Wednesday of each month in 2021 –  the union is encouraging members to show they care and help start the conversation about the importance of psychologically safe workplaces by:

  • wearing something red to work;
  • wearing a Healthy Minds at Work pin, lanyard, mask, badge holder, or stick-on tattoo;
  • visiting to learn more about how to be mental health advocate;
  • sharing the campaign with others!

“Now more than ever, members are telling us that everyone must come together to recognize the vital connection between our jobs and our state of mind,” Gawronsky said. “We need to create the kind of workplaces that protect and promote good mental health. This benefits everyone -- our members and their families, as well as employers. It’s a win-win and something we’re all responsible for.”

Members can request pins, lanyards, masks, badge holders, or stick-on tattoos for their Locals by contacting the MGEU Resource Centre.