GOLICO members have spoken. The results are in from last nights’ province-wide vote and the membership voted 84% in favour of strike action.

Further dates for bargaining are scheduled, starting Tuesday, September 1st, and it is the GOLICO bargaining committee’s hope that the Employer will come to the table and negotiate a collective agreement, rather than force the members into taking action. What was made clear at the local meetings held yesterday evening is that members are prepared to take action if the Employer does not begin earnestly discussing the issues on the table.

As was previously reported, after 30 days of negotiations, the GOLICO Bargaining Committee and the MLCC Bargaining Committee still had not made any meaningful progress at the table. The employer refused to take members' proposals seriously and to make matters worse, had also introduced several unacceptable concessionary demands.

The Bargaining Committee’s goal from day one was to bargain a new contract without resorting to any work disruptions or stoppages. However, the Committee determined that the only way to have their proposals taken seriously was to get a strike mandate from the membership.

Getting a strike mandate from the membership is important for two main reasons. It lets management know that GOLICO members want their proposals taken seriously and it gives the Bargaining Committee the authority to plan strike action if management continues to drag their heels during negotiations without having to go back to the membership for another vote.

With the overwhelming support of the GOLICO component, the Bargaining Committee will return to the table to echo the message sent by members last night and get the Employer to begin discussing their issues put forward.