The MGEU is re-launching the Keeping Liquor Public campaign in response to the Pallister government’s plan to privatize more liquor sales in Manitoba.

With new ads that begin airing today, the campaign reminds Manitobans about the importance of protecting:

  • more than $280 million in profits every year generated by Liquor Marts that are invested back into public services, like schools, hospitals, and roads (not funneled to out-of-province shareholders);
  • more than $12 million to promote safety and provide addictions treatment services funded annually by Liquor Mart sales;
  • the safest sales model we have to keep liquor out of the hands of minors; and
  • more than a thousand community-supporting jobs, all here in Manitoba.

Why Manitobans Need to Speak Out

The Pallister Government introduced legislation recently to expand privatization of liquor sales in Manitoba – a move that directly contradicts the government's 2019 pre-election promise not to privatize Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries. Once this legislation is passed, it allows the government to approve private liquor stores.

“The timing of this government’s legislation [during the pandemic] is baffling since now, more than ever, we need every dollar possible to stay here in Manitoba to help fund our public services, and to help support our economy,” said Michelle Gawronsky, MGEU President.

When the Premier announced his privatization plans in October, he offended Liquor Mart employees and mislead Manitobans by claiming that, somehow, customer service was a key contributing factor in the decision – even though customer satisfaction at Manitoba Liquor Marts remains exceptionally high (at over 93%).

The fact is, Liquor Marts offer competitive prices, great selection, and excellent customer service, while keeping money right here in Manitoba to fund our public services like health care and education.

“I encourage everyone to visit to learn more about why public liquor sales serve us all better and to add your name to the petition urging the Pallister government to stop this legislation from moving forward,” Gawronsky said. “Please share the campaign far and wide with your fellow Manitobans. Let’s keep liquor public.”

Watch Now:
Keeping Liquor Public Ad - Holiday Good Deed