Suspended 17 floors above the drone of downtown traffic at Portage and Main is certainly not the way John Wyndels usually spends a Thursday afternoon. Of course, this is not a usual Thursday afternoon.

John – a MGEU member who works as a Policy Analyst with the Manitoba Disabilities Issues Office – is taking part in the Easter Seals Drop Zone. This annual fundraiser, which has helped raise more than $2 million dollars for children and adults with disabilities since 2005, allows everyday Manitobans to become daredevils for a day by rappelling down the façade of the Royal Bank Building in Winnipeg.

John has joined a crew of fellow “Superheroes” who have signed up to go over the edge by each raising at least $1,500 for Easter Seals.

For John, who has taken part in the last two Drop Zone events, the fundraisers’ appeal is twofold. “Number one, it’s a real thrill”, he says. “Number two, it’s all for a worthwhile cause.”

In his case, the adrenalin-pumping drop is made all the more amazing since he does it while strapped into his wheelchair. While other participants face the building as they go down, John descends facing forward.

“I don’t know which way is scarier, but I certainly got a better view of the city,” says Wyndels.

And while he says he’s never been afraid of heights, and has no worries about falling with so many well-trained staff helping him, anyone who doesn’t do this on a daily basis is certain to get their blood pumping as they peer over the edge.

For 2009, John raised over $1,600 for the cause. And while he’s setting his sights on boosting his goal by raising a few hundred more next year, it’s clear he’s already raised more than a few eyebrows. Way to go John!

If you’d like to find out more about the Easter Seals Drop Zone or learn how you can take part in next year’s event visit