After 30 days of negotiations, the GOLICO Bargaining Committee and the MLCC Bargaining Committee have still not made any meaningful progress at the table. The process has been extremely slow to this point, due in part to the fact that the employer still has not received their mandate from the Province.

The other main stalling point is that the employer is refusing to take members' proposals seriously. To make matters worse, they have also introduced several concessionary demands, which the GOLICO Bargaining Committee feels are unacceptable. The Committee’s goal from day one was to bargain a new contract without resorting to any work disruptions or stoppages. However, the Committee has determined that the only way to have their proposals taken seriously is to get a strike mandate from the membership.

The employer refuses to discuss the employees' proposals regarding:
1) Part time scheduling
3) Full Time Positions
4) Hours of Work

At the same time the employer is attempting to introduce a number of concessions which will:
1) Erode seniority rights, which would have a negative impact on promotion, layoff and recall procedures;
2) Extend the work week, which would eliminate current schedules and impact wage premiums;
3) Interfere with the grievance and arbitration procedures; and
4) Impose further restrictions regarding sick leave.

For decades GOLICO Bargaining Committees have fought for many of these rights and benefits. The current Committee does not wish to see it all vanish in one round of negotiations. That is why they are asking GOLICO members to attend their next local meeting and vote “YES” to give their Bargaining Committee a strike mandate.
Meeting notices for dates and locations have been mailed to all members. Bargaining representatives will be at each of the meetings to answer questions.

Further bargaining sessions are scheduled. If GOLICO members vote in favour of a strike mandate, this will give their Committee the authority to call for strike action if necessary.