Public health orders in Manitoba have evolved rapidly during the Coronavirus pandemic. Throughout this time, the MGEU has continued to answer members’ questions by taking thousands of calls and emails, while – like all Manitoba organizations – we’ve had to make some adjustments to how we serve our members.

The Manitoba government’s phased-in, conditional relaxing of public health restrictions means the MGEU is once again able to make some adjustments to how the union serves its members:

  • The MGEU Resource Centre continues to take calls and emails from members. If you have a question, please contact us Monday – Friday, 8am-6pm.  Before visiting an MGEU office, we ask all members to first contact our Resource Centre in order to determine the best way the union can help.
  • If, after contacting the Resource Centre, it is determined you must visit an MGEU office, please follow provincial public health orders, including physical distancing, and proper cough, and hand washing practices.
  • The MGEU is directing all members and staff to stay away from MGEU offices or meetings if they meet any of the current Manitoba public health criteria for self-isolation. Currently, people must self-isolate for 14 days after returning to Manitoba from another province or country; or if they are experiencing any symptoms consistent with COVID-19; or if they have tested positive for COVID-19 and have not been cleared by medical professionals to resume contact with others.
  • The MGEU is now accepting deliveries to our Winnipeg Head Office during business hours. However, we are asking those who drop off deliveries to leave them outside our reception door, instead of handing packages directly to our reception staff.
  • Some MGEU mail distribution has now resumed. To ensure members receive information as quickly as possible, updates will continue to be sent to members via email. For any members who have not already provided the MGEU with their personal email address, we encourage you to update your contact information here.
  • The MGEU continues to disinfect frequently touched surfaces in common areas of our offices twice a day.

This update was posted on May 6, 2020. Because this situation is evolving rapidly, we encourage you to visit the MGEU's COVID-19 Information page for the latest information.