(Source: MFL) Federation of Labour presidents from across Canada condemned the perceived lack of consensus among Canada's premiers on the issue of Employment Insurance reform.

"The premiers and Harper continue to dither about EI formulas, even though there is widespread acceptance that the system needs to be fixed", said Darlene Dziewit, President of the Manitoba Federation of Labour. Another 45,000 Canadian workers lost their jobs in July and we have record rates of unemployment. It's time to make a decision on EI reform and take action to help those workers who have lost their jobs."

The labour federation presidents are also concerned that the premiers appear to have given their blessing to Harper's plans to renegotiate NAFTA. The changes would restrict local and provincial governments' procurement and buy local policies.

"Local governments must retain their right to use public procurement as a tool for economic development and job creation," Dziewit explained. "The premiers are in wonderland if they think the Americans are going to toss out 75 years of Buy American policies in the middle of an economic meltdown."

The federation presidents were encouraged however, by the premiers' support for a national summit on pensions.

"We look forward to participating in the process and we encourage the Premiers to fast-track this effort", said Dziewit. "With 65 per cent of working Canadians without a pension, we're talking about millions of workers retiring into poverty. We cannot afford to drag our feet."

Dziewit made her comments on August 7 as the presidents of the provincial and territorial federations of labour wrapped up three days of meetings in Regina. In total, the federations represent over two million Canadian workers.