Last night, Kirk Carr, an MGEU activist out of Fairview Personal Care Home, was acclaimed as president of the Brandon and District Labour Council.

This is Carr’s second term as president in Brandon. He is in good company with several MGEU members holding the position of Labour Council president in their respective communities including Melissa Dvorak (Winnipeg), Ed Miller (Portage la Prairie), and Susan Smerchanski (Selkirk). MGEU members Liz Dodds and Jesse McNeil also serve as the elected area representatives from The Pas and Southeast on the Manitoba Federation of Labour Executive Council.

Huge congratulations to Kirk from everyone at the MGEU. It says a lot about the dedication of MGEU members that they step up in leadership positions like this and contribute to making working people’s lives better.

All MGEU Locals have the choice as to whether they affiliate to a labour council, and if they do they may send a delegate to the council meetings who reports back to their Local. MGEU members who are elected as labour council delegates are encouraged to attend as often as possible in order to update their Locals on events happening in their communities.

“Labour councils across the province are strong and important voices in our communities. They are doing good things with members who may be experiencing issues in their workplace or may be on strike, and they also organize and volunteer at community events,” said MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky. “The labour movement is well-served by these dedicated people.”