Although Manitobans overwhelmingly agree that strong public services are vital to the economy and keep our province healthy, safe, and strong, the Pallister government continues to cut programs, contract work out, and weaken the services we count on every day.

With more than 2,000 civil service jobs cut in the last three years jobs that support families and keep us safe and no end in sight to the weakening of our public services by this government, the MGEU is relaunching The People Behind the Public ad campaign.

The campaign, featuring members who work across the province providing a wide range of services, reminds us that the services we rely on every day can’t happen without the people to deliver them.

“People are losing their jobs. Our communities are suffering. Families are suffering and our members are concerned about the long-term damage these cuts are causing for all Manitobans,” said MGEU President, Michelle Gawronsky. “This campaign is necessary to remind Manitobans what’s at stake.”

The People Behind the Public ad campaign airs on TV and online starting today. 

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