This week a letter concerning volunteer transfers relating to H1N1 was sent to the Presidents of all affected MGEU Locals.
RE: Redeployment in health emergencies outside RHA relating to H1N1
The threat of H1N1 continues to be of concern to all Manitobans. One of the ways the MGEU is addressing these concerns, as they relate to the health and safety of its members and all Manitobans, is through its affiliation and pandemic planning with The Manitoba Council of Health Care Unions (MCHCU).

As part of ongoing efforts towards emergency preparedness relating to H1N1, the MGEU, along with all of the unions that comprise the MCHCU, has signed a Memorandum of Agreement to facilitate temporary volunteer staff transfers between RHAs/regions in the event of an emergency, disaster or pandemic relating specifically to the H1N1 virus.

The Memorandum of Agreement, which has been reviewed and accepted by all involved MGEU Component Directors, cannot be enacted or implemented until an RHA/region declares an emergency, disaster or pandemic relating only to H1N1. In the event of a H1N1 emergency declaration requiring the assistance of staff, the Employer will provide written confirmation directly to the Union. As was stated earlier in the letter, this agreement only allows for temporary/voluntary transfers and makes no provisions for involuntary transfers.
Please click here to review the full agreement. If you have any questions, please contact the MGEU Resource Centre at 982-6438 or 1-866-982-6438.