Submit nominations now - deadline July 31

The Judy Cook Woman of Achievement Award and the Young Members Achievement Award are presented at every Manitoba Federation of Labour (MFL) Convention. Nominations are now being accepted. Both awards will be be presented at the next convention, October 2,3, and 4 in Brandon.

The Young Members Achievement Award is presented to a member of a union affiliated to the Manitoba Federation of Labour, has been active in their union/MFL, is under 35 years of age, and has made a significant contribution to the Labour movement in furthering the work of reaching out to young workers, both organized and unorganized, and increasing young workers participation both in the Federation and its affiliates.

Nominees for the Judy Cook Woman of Achievement Award award must be a member of a union affiliated with the Manitoba Federation of Labour (such as the MGEU). Any member of an affiliated union can submit a nomination.

If nominating someone, please include the reasons for the nomination and why you feel the nominee should be considered. List any contributions they have made to the advancement of women in the labour movement. In what way are they a role model within their union and community? How do they try to raise awareness of women's equality at work and in the community? Which committees, agencies or boards are they involved with? How do they actively promote the principles of trade unionism and labour within the community?

Please also feel free to include any additional information with your nomination that you would like to see taken into consideration by the selection committee.

Nominations for both awards must be submitted to the Manitoba Federation of Labour no later than Friday, July 31st. Nominations for the Woman of Achievement Award should be sent to the MFL Women's Committee, Manitoba Federation of Labour, 303-275 Broadway, Winnipeg MB R3C 4M6.  Nominations for the Young Members Award should be sent to Young Members Achievement Award, c/o Manitoba Federation of Labour, 303-275 Broadway, Winnipeg, MB R3C 4M6.

For more information on either award or the selection process, please contact the MFL office at 947-1400.

Judy Cook Woman of Achievement Award Background:

Sister Judy Cook was born in St Louis Missouri. She began her lifelong career as an activist in the 1960s with her participation in the American civil rights movement.

Moving to Winnipeg in the 1970s, she became the director of volunteer services at Klinic Community Health Centre where she helped to organize her fellow Klinic employees in to a CUPE local. Sister Cook was also involved with the boards of Legal Aid Manitoba, the Community Unemployed Help Centre and was active with the Manitoba Association of Community Health. She became the Executive Director of the Manitoba Federation of Labour Occupational Health Centre in November 1985 and served in this position until her death in December 1998.

The Judy Cook Woman of Achievement Award was established by the MFL in 2000 to "recognize the dedication, commitment and significant contributions made to the Women's movements, the community and the Labour movement as a whole by Sister Cook."