The MGEU kicked off the upcoming training year by releasing the 2019-2020 Membership Education Calendar today.

As in years’ past, the MGEU will offer Core Courses like Representing Our Members and Bargaining Collectively, which provide a solid foundation for workplace representatives in their elected roles. Popular Issues Seminars, which allow workplace reps to explore issues in-depth with courses like Conflict Resolution Skills, also return this fall.

“From Local Presidents to health and safety reps, our elected MGEU members are essential to our union’s success. These folks have raised their hands to be an advocate in their workplaces and our education program continues to provide the knowledge, skills and confidence they need assist their fellow members,” says MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky.

Elected Workplace Representatives are encouraged to log into their account on THE SOURCE to register for the courses available to them.

For those who don’t hold an elected MGEU position, You and Your Union Membership Information Sessions, also return in 2020. The sessions are designed to help MGEU members who have never held an elected position learn more about their union. Any eligible member wishing to register for one of these sessions (see page 8 of the 2019-2020 Membership Education Calendar for details) can contact the MGEU Resource Centre.