Today, voting in the health care representation votes came to an end, and the Commissioner has released the official results.

The successful union in each vote is listed below:

- Interlake-Eastern Community Support: MGEU

- Interlake-Eastern Facility Support: MGEU

- Interlake-Eastern Technical-Professional-Paramedical: MGEU

- Northern Facility Support: CUPE

- Northern Community Support: CUPE

- Prairie Mountain Community Support: MGEU

- Prairie Mountain Facility Support: MGEU

- Southern Community Support: CUPE

- Southern Facility Support: CUPE

- Southern Nursing: MNU

- Shared Health Facility Support: CUPE

- Shared Health Community Support: CUPE

- Shared Health Technical-Professional-Paramedical: MAHCP

- Shared Health Nursing: MNU

- WRHA Facility Support: CUPE

- WRHA Community Support: CUPE

- WRHA Technical-Professional-Paramedical: MAHCP

- WRHA Nursing: MNU

“While it’s not the results we had hoped for, our union remains committed to providing members with the highest level of service,” said MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky. “For those members who will be leaving our union, we are disappointed to say farewell. And we extend our deepest thank you to the activists from these groups for their dedication and service to members.”

The MGEU will work with the Commissioner, employers, and the other unions involved in these votes to ensure a smooth and orderly transition to the new bargaining units as soon as possible.

For members in bargaining units where the MGEU was not successful:

  • MGEU will be your union until the Commissioner issues a new bargaining unit certificate.
  • You will continue to pay dues to MGEU and MGEU will continue to represent you until the new certificate is issued.
  • At that point, your new union will take over responsibility for representing you and begin to receive dues from you.
  • You will continue to be covered by your MGEU current collective agreement until a new one is ratified, even after your new union assumes responsibility for representing you. Your new union is responsible to service that collective agreement.

For members in bargaining units where the MGEU was successful in the votes:

  • Until a new contract is ratified, you will continue to work under your current collective agreement.
  • Once the Commissioner officially establishes the new bargaining units, we will reach out to all members, both current and new, to gather and develop bargaining proposals.
  • MGEU will get to the bargaining table as soon as possible to negotiate a new contract for you. Where there is a need to establish new local executives, stewards, health and safety reps; we will hold meetings to do so as soon as possible. 

The MGEU will keep members updated throughout the transition to the new bargaining units. If members or soon-to-be members have any questions, they can contact the MGEU Resource Centre