This afternoon, the Commissioner announced that health care workers will have a chance to vote starting Thursday, August 8 until Thursday, August 22, 2019 on which union they want to represent them.

“Since the government announced the Bill 29 legislation two years ago, these votes have been looming over our heads and preventing health care workers from negotiating a new contract,” said MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky. “So while we still believe the votes are unnecessary and unproductive, the MGEU is eager and ready to get things underway, get the votes done, and get our members to the bargaining table where they belong.”

During the four-week period of Thursday, July 11 to Wednesday, August 7, all unions involved in the votes will have an opportunity meet with members at tables or kiosks set up within workplaces. Gawronsky said the MGEU is now very much looking forward to sitting down, answering questions, and chatting with health care workers about why the MGEU is the clear choice.

“We have the people, the know-how, and the resources to fight for health care workers,” she said. “Leading up to these votes being called, some unions have made it abundantly clear that they are willing to say anything, do anything, even make promises they know they can’t keep, just to win a vote. We will not mislead or give false hope. We’re the strongest union in Manitoba, we provide exceptional service, we offer the lowest dues, and because we’re a Manitoba union, those dues stay here in the province working for members.”

Following the four-week campaign period, health care workers will then have two weeks — Thursday, August 8 at noon to Thursday, August 22 at noon — to vote electronically using their computer, tablet, cell phone, or land line. Each voter will receive a PIN or password in the mail which will allow them to access the online voting.

The Commissioner has stressed the need for all health workers and unions to follow his established campaign rules. The workplace kiosks will give each union an opportunity to present their case and any other campaigning in health care facilities or on employer property is not permitted. This also includes leaving campaign materials in lunch rooms or posting campaign materials on union bulletin boards.

“The MGEU has always prided itself on approaching our work with integrity as well as toughness and strength,” Gawronsky said. “We encourage our members to be sure they understand the campaign rules and give everyone a fair chance.”

She also encouraged all members to reach out if they have questions or concerns about the vote process.

“Anyone in health care is welcome to call our Member Resource Centre,” she said. “Our reps on the other end of the line are regularly updated about all the latest regarding the votes and are ready to answer whatever questions people might have.”

Help us spread the word about why MGEU is the best choice in health care!

Why Vote MGEU?

Health care workers in Manitoba are under a lot of pressure. Cuts to health care are hurting workers and their patients. Too often you’re being asked to do more with less. You deserve better from your employer. That’s why choosing the union you want to belong to is such an important decision.

Here are 5 reasons to choose MGEU!

1. A proven track record of negotiating strong contracts.

2. Experts dedicated full-time to helping members with grievances, arbitrations, Workers’ Compensation claims, pensions, benefits, and health and safety.

3. A Member Resource Centre with knowledgeable staff who can answer questions directly or connect members quickly with the help they need.

4. The lowest dues rate in Manitoba for decades.

5. Frequent communication, including printed copies of contracts, an annual report showing how members’ dues are spent, and the monthly President’s 5-minute update.

We won’t promise things we can’t deliver just to get your vote. No union should.

MGEU is a strong, vocal union that will fight for you. We hope you’ll choose us.

Why health care workers are choosing MGEU

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