Robert Pruden, the Commissioner overseeing the health care representation votes, has issued a final decision regarding bargaining unit composition in the health care sector.

One of the Commissioner’s key responsibilities is to slot all classifications in accordance with bargaining unit definitions in the Health Sector Bargaining Unit Review Act (Bill 29). This is a task that must be completed before the Commissioner can schedule the votes. 

The MGEU is sharing the Provincial Classification Slotting list  with all health care workers. The list identifies where every current unionized classification is slotted within four of the seven bargaining units prescribed by the Act – Community Support, Facility Support, Professional / Technical / Paramedical, and Nurses. The list is in alphabetical order by union and then employer/site.

What does this mean for MGEU health care members?

For most MGEU members, this list simply confirms your bargaining unit and there are no further implications.

For some, your bargaining unit has changed, and it means that you will now be in a health care representation vote where before you were not, or you will be in a different vote than you were prior to this slotting.

All members will continue to be covered by their current collective agreement until a new one is bargained and ratified after the votes.

If you are uncertain about what this means for you, or if you have questions about the representation votes, please feel free to contact the MGEU Member Resource Centre.