On Tuesday April 16, 2019, Robert Pruden, the Commissioner responsible for conducting health care representation votes in Manitoba, provided an update to all unions involved. 

The dates for votes to be held is still unknown, but the Commissioner made it clear in his update that they can be scheduled once he completes four key tasks:

1.      Finishing the slotting of jobs into the new bargaining units;
2.      Setting up the electronic voting system;
3.      Preparing the voters’ lists; and
4.      Determining how voting PINs (passwords) will be distributed to health care workers participating in these votes.

The Commissioner also stressed the need for all health workers and unions to follow the employers’ rules about campaigning. Campaigning in health care facilities and on employer property is not permitted. This also includes leaving campaign materials in lunch rooms or posting campaign materials on union bulletin boards. MGEU is working to follow these rules and asks all members to do the same.