Following an improved offer from their employers, members of Assiniboine Community College MGEU - Local 71 and Red River College MGEU - Local 73 have voted to ratify new four-year collective agreements. 

The Central Bargaining Committee for Assiniboine Community College MGEU Local 71 and Red River College MGEU Local 73 received a final offer from management in July 2018, which the membership rejected in September 2018. Bargaining resumed with the aid of a third-party conciliator this past fall. 

It was a tough round of negotiations, especially due to the government’s Bill 28 wage freeze legislation. In fall 2019, the MGEU and other unions will be challenging Bill 28 in court and the voting ballot included a caveat which addressed the restrictions imposed by the Bill, limiting the parties’ ability to negotiate freely.   

Highlights of the new deal includes improvements to parental leave, family leave and bereavement leave.

Members are encouraged to make sure the union has their most current contact information in order to receive a copy of their collective agreement.