The MGEU recently made a submission to the Government of Manitoba as part of their pre-budget process for next year’s Budget release.

The main focus of the document asks the government to reconsider their priorities and put people first. The Pallister government pledged during their election campaign to protect public services and those who deliver them. However, they’ve broken that promise with repeated cuts over the past two and a half years.

“Manitobans depend on quality public services to be there when they need them,” said MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky.  “This government needs to stop cutting programs and privatizing services like our forest fire water bombers because in the long-run these privatization schemes will cost Manitobans more.”

The submission looked at four distinct areas – the Civil Service; Health Care; Post-Secondary Education; Crown Corporations; and Community-Based Social Services – while highlighting examples of privatization, staffing cuts, budget freezes and funding reductions in these areas over the past few years.

The MGEU also recommended that the government stick to their original eight-year plan to balance Manitoba’s budget gradually while ensuring public services are protected. Delaying unaffordable tax cuts and ending the hiring of costly management consultants were given as two examples where the government could further reduce its expenditures without cutting services.

“We’re asking this government to change their direction and put Manitobans first. Only focusing on the bottom line leaves many without the support they need, when they need it most. It’s time we saw the priorities of all Manitobans reflected in the budget.”

View the MGEU Pre-Budget 2019 Submission