As of November 1, 2018, all Manitoba public-sector organizations must comply with the Accessibility for Manitobans Act, which aims to create a more inclusive society by removing barriers to everyday living while promoting dignity and respect for Manitobans with disabilities.

Over the past several months the MGEU has taken the required steps and made several changes to improve accessibility. This includes the development of online accessibility training for MGEU activists, making changes to eliminate barriers in union offices, and updating to include an Accessibility Page. The page is the first link at the top of the home page and includes the MGEU Accessibility Policy as well as the MGEU Accessibility Plan.

Frequent visitors may have also noticed some subtle colour updates in the menus and sub-menus on the website, which were done to improve navigation as well as text/background colour contrast.

The changes were identified within the union’s customer service accessibility review, which was completed with the Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities (MLPD). The review included all union services as well as an evaluation of MGEU offices across Manitoba. The findings of that review can be found in the MGEU Accessibility Plan.

Over the coming months and years the MGEU will continue to make improvements that make our union more accessible to members disabled by barriers.