The Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA) has announced some of their Phase 2 “labour adjustment activities” — and once again, there was no consultation with workers who provide care to patients on the front lines. 

“Manitobans should not have to learn about big changes to their workplace through the news,” MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky said. “During the first round of cuts, the WRHA and the province told front-line health care workers that even if their hours were reduced in Phase 1, they would have their hours restored when Phase 2 was implemented. Now Phase 2 has been announced and the WRHA is not living up to that commitment. This is terrible news for the 23 dedicated health workers from Victoria Hospital who are still laid off as a result of those early cuts.”

Yesterday’s announcement only mentioned nurses, confirming that between current vacancies and new and existing opportunities due to Phase 2 changes, there will be a job for any nurse who wishes to continue working in the system.

“Anyone who has been a patient, or has a loved one in hospital, knows that high quality health care is delivered by a team that also includes health care aides, dietary staff, housekeeping, and clerks and maintenance,” Gawronsky said. “So why are those who provide hands-on care and support, 24-7, left with no similar job guarantees? Ensuring quality health care means resourcing and respecting the whole health care team.”