Members of the MGEU’s Health Care Support Services Component have ratified a new four-year collective agreement. The new agreement affects 19 different Locals and more than 4,500 members.

Negotiations began more than a year ago and this past May it appeared members would be headed to the picket lines over a dispute concerning vacation for part time employees. After the union achieved seven strike votes and set the strike date for May 14th, the two parties met and agreed to arbitrate the issue, which was precisely what the union proposed at the bargaining table in December.

The new agreement includes a 2.9% wage increase in each of the four years, retroactive to April 1, 2008. Also, premiums for the Healthcare Employees’ Benefit Plan will now be 50/50 cost-shared with the Employer, which represents a savings of over $40 per month for members enrolled in the Enhanced Plan. The agreement also includes the establishment of a Health Spending Account (HSA) of $250 for full-time employees and $125 for part-time employees, effective April 1, 2010. These amounts will double in 2011.

The new agreement represents a lot of time and effort for MGEU staff and members. The union is pleased to have gained a number of substantial new benefits for employees without a work stoppage.

The next step is to create a finalized version of the collective agreement for signing. Once that happens, copies will be printed and distributed to all HCSS members.