HSC sign

Despite public backlash and concerns from health care workers, the Manitoba Government is forging ahead with more cuts to our health care system in Winnipeg.

Yesterday, the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA) unveiled its “Phase 2” plan, which among many other things, will see the Concordia ER closed in June 2019 and the Seven Oaks ER to follow in September 2019 as it converts to an Urgent Care facility.

“Patients and health care workers are still caught up in the chaos from the first round of health care cuts and instead of reversing those cuts, this government is surging ahead with new ones,” President Michelle Gawronsky told media shortly after the announcement was made. 

The government claims that wait times are down 15 per cent from last year, but President Gawronsky questioned that statement. “The rosy report the government painted today on wait times and hospital stays is far different than what I’m hearing from front-line workers. Hospital staff is stretched thin and continue to deal with patients with complex health issues,” she said. “Further cuts will only continue to disrupt patient care and increase workloads. That is no way to treat patients or hard working health care workers.”   

Other changes coming include:

  • The community IV service will close at Lions Place and be offered at Misericordia Health Centre in September 2018.
  • The emergency department at HSC will expand to open a mid-to-low acuity area of treatment - January 2019.
  • The St. Boniface emergency department will be expanded to include new triage, waiting area and mid-acuity treatment space in spring, 2019.
  • Intensive Care Unit services close at Concordia in spring 2019 and in the fall 2019 at Seven Oaks General Hospital.
  • Mental Health units at the Grace and Seven Oaks General Hospital will close December 2018.

View the entire Phase 2 plan.