pinegrove rest area

The government has heard the voices of thousands of Manitobans and no longer plans to close the Pinegrove rest area after this summer.

Early last week, Manitoba Infrastructure Minister, Ron Schuler said the government was looking at closing the highway rest stop to avoid paying the costs to overhaul its sewage lagoon. The area is the only public rest stop on the Trans-Canada between Winnipeg and the Ontario border.

At the time, Schuler encouraged travelers to instead use gas stations along the route to stretch their legs, have a rest, or use a washroom.

But public outcry grew immediately with many concerned community leaders, including MGEU President, Michelle Gawronsky, voicing concern that closing the rest stop was a matter of public safety as it would increase driver fatigue and lead to more cars stopping on the highway shoulder. Others pointed out that many businesses along the Trans-Canada only allow customers to use their washrooms if they make a purchase.

“I don’t think the government understood just how important this public service was for truck drivers, tourists, and the Manitobans who frequently travel that stretch. I also think this shows that we can get the government’s attention if we’re willing to fight for our services,” said Gawronsky. “I’m thrilled that our voices were heard.”

The MGEU shared an online petition started by food truck owners to save the rest stop. It received over 7,000 signatures by the time the government announced their decision to stop the closure yesterday.

“We wish to express our sincere thanks to those of you who were as passionate as we were regarding Highway Safety. Thank you to all who signed the on line and hand written petitions,” read the petition update posted today.