At the 2018 Manitoba Federation of Labour Convention held this past weekend in Winnipeg, MFL President Kevin Rebeck was re-elected to a fourth term.

“I am honoured to be chosen to continue to lead the MFL as we work in solidarity to make life better for working families in Manitoba and stand up for them in the face of the Pallister government’s continued attacks to front-line services and workers’ rights,” said Rebeck.

Joining Rebeck to the MFL Executive, and re-elected to each of their respective roles, was Jeff Traeger (MFL Secretary-Treasurer) and MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky (MFL Executive Vice President). Marc Lafond was also elected as an MFL Executive Vice President. 

From Thursday until Sunday, MFL delegates (including a sizeable contingent from the MGEU) debated and passed resolutions, listened to guest speakers, and discussed the provincial government’s continuous attacks against workers and public services. 

The discussions covered a wide range of topics, including resolutions for the MFL to lobby the Government of Manitoba to develop a universal Pharmacare system; stop the privatization of home care and healthcare; reinstate full funding for the Rent Assist program; enforce appropriate patient/staff ratios in healthcare facilities; increase EMS system capacity in Northern and rural Manitoba; and to recognize and address the funding requirements of family and children's services agencies.

The convention concluded on Sunday with a lively rally at the Manitoba Legislative Building. Hundreds gathered for the MFL’s Rally for Public Services to speak out against the government’s cuts to public services as Rebeck lead supporters through chants of “No more cuts!” on the steps of the Leg.

The MFL represents more than 100,000 working Manitobans through affiliated unions, including those representing workers in government, health care, social service agencies, manufacturing, retail and more.

MGEU Members and Staff Represented on MFL Executive:

Michelle Gawronsky, MFL Executive VP
Jean-Guy Bourgeois, VP, MGEU
Wayne Chacun, VP, MGEU
Carol Grant, VP, Workers of Colour Caucus
Cathy Woods, VP, Aboriginal Workers Caucus
Jill Stockwell, VP, Solidarity and Pride Caucus
Andrew Wright, VP, Young Members Caucus
Jessie McNeil, Area VP, Eastman
Ed Miller, Area VP, Portage la Prairie
Susan Smerchanski, Area VP, Selkirk
Kirk Carr, Area VP, Brandon
Liz Dodds, Area VP, The Pas