In light of complaints involving inappropriate behaviour within some provincial government workplaces, the province is consulting with employees to eliminate harassment in the workplace.

MGEU members employed directly by the province will have two avenues to share their thoughts and voice their opinions about the issue:

1. Complete an Anonymous Online Survey

harassment hand

The Manitoba government will launch an anonymous online survey in May to gather key information about sexual harassment. All Manitoba government employees will receive notification once the survey is open and are encouraged to complete the short survey, regardless of whether they have experienced sexual harassment or not.

2. Attend a Roundtable Discussion

During May, a series of roundtable discussions (in-person group consultations) will be taking place throughout Manitoba. The purpose of these discussions is to gain a deeper understanding of any ideas employees may have to improve Manitoba government policies, procedures, resources, and training regarding preventing and addressing sexual harassment. Roundtable participants will be guided through a series of questions by an independent, trained facilitator. For more information, including how to register, members are encouraged to visit the Manitoba government intranet site for details or contact

“There’s no place for harassment of any kind in our workplaces; it should never be tolerated, says MGEU President, Michelle Gawronsky. “I’m glad to see the government is moving forward on addressing sexual harassment in the workplace and I think it’s key that our members are being consulted in this process.”  

Members are encouraged to provide their feedback. The government says the results from both the anonymous survey and the roundtable discussions will be shared with employees, while respecting the privacy of those who take part.