Manitoba Legislature dome

Today the Premier released a new strategy, which he says will transform Manitoba’s public service and help to "attract diverse and talented employees." In response, President Michelle Gawronsky issued the following statement:

“The MGEU is always open to a discussion about how to improve public services and better support the people who deliver those services. Unfortunately, today’s announcement didn’t amount to more than nice words and good intentions. There was no substance or detail provided at all. It felt like an empty pep talk.

Our members who deliver public services are proud of what they do for Manitobans, but it’s hard for us to take seriously a pep talk from the Premier about improving services when he is slashing 1,200 civil service jobs, imposing unconstitutional wage freezes, starting to privatize vital services, and taking steps to weaken Manitoba pension plans. That certainly is no way to inspire your current workforce, nor is it a way to attract new people. 

We were not meaningfully consulted. We were invited to a one hour meeting last week with the Finance Minister, at which no details or substance about the plan was provided. We had no meaningful opportunity to have input. It felt like the government was just going through the motions in a weak attempt to look like they were consulting with labour.”