Accessibility icons

This past June, the MGEU teamed up with the Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities (MLPD) to conduct an accessibility review of MGEU offices and services.

To help complete this review, the union and the MLPD are conducting an online membership survey to identify barriers to accessibility and improve access.

“This is the next step in helping our union reach our goals for accessibility standards,” says MGEU President, Michelle Gawronsky. “We’re hoping to hear from as many members as possible to get a good picture of where we’re at. I think that we’ll learn a lot from the results of this survey and where we can improve the services we offer to members.”

The survey looks at anything that might make it more challenging to participate in the union or prevent members from accessing services.

All MGEU members who receive the email from the union with a link to the survey are asked to complete it by January 8, 2018. Answers will be kept confidential and the MLPD will make every effort to deliver the survey in an alternate format for those unable to access it online.