MFL Convention- Save the Date, May 24-27

The Manitoba Federation of Labour will host its triennial Convention this spring. That means it’s time for MGEU members to submit resolutions that will help shape the MFL’s direction for the next three years.

“Workers are under attack in our province right now and it’s important that we continue to stand up together through the MFL against these cuts to public services and the erosion of workers’ rights,” said Michelle Gawronsky, referencing the MFL-led Partnership to Defend Public Services, which recently launched a court challenge against the provincial government’s unconstitutional Bill 28.

The MFL Convention brings together union leaders and activists from across the province to discuss issues facing the labour community and elect the MFL’s leadership.

To become a delegate, you must be nominated and elected at a Local meeting. At that same meeting, you can submit a convention resolution, which must be voted upon by the Local before being brought to the convention floor. Any MGEU member can put forward a resolution (even those who aren’t attending as delegates).

Please complete the Constitution / General Resolution form (using a desktop or laptop computer is recommended). Print the form and bring it to your Local meeting. Blank printed copies will also be available.

Please note: All resolutions must be approved and delegates elected at Local meetings held by March 9, 2018. Any resolutions passed at the MGEU’s 2016 Convention, which directed the union to carry out an action through the MFL will automatically be brought forward to the 2018 MFL Convention. Members who submitted those resolutions do not have to resubmit.

Save the Date – MFL Convention 2018

When: May 24-27, 2018
Where: RBC Convention Centre in Winnipeg