The Province of Manitoba has proclaimed Monday, October 9 to Friday, October 13 Health Care Support Workers' Week, an opportunity to celebrate and salute the thousands of front-line health workers who care for us each and every day.

In the words of the proclamation, “their work in a large variety of jobs and settings makes a valuable contribution to the day-to-day well-being and health of all Manitobans in hospitals, clinics, personal care homes, chronic care and long-term care facilities, schools, communities and homes.”

“Having worked in the health care field – in many different jobs - for over 30 years, I know firsthand that the services that these members provide are essential to our health care system,” said President Michelle Gawronsky. "But I do not understand how the government can recognize these workers that are so vital to Manitobans yet at the same time place those and other health care jobs in jeopardy. Reducing the number of jobs means that those remaining will have to carry greater workloads." 

The MGEU represents over 8,000 health care support workers throughout the province.

This year our union recognizes the important work of health care support workers while calling on the Premier to reverse the cuts his government has made. 

Go to to send the premier a message in support of these workers.