The Peace Officer Memorial Foundation held a press conference this morning to promote a “Go Fund Me” drive for a peace officer memorial in Manitoba

The memorial is one of three to be constructed at Winnipeg’s Memorial Park in honour of the Manitoba peace officers who lost their lives on the job. The other two memorials will pay tribute to firefighters and other workers. Each is estimated to cost around $200,000.

The Peace Officer Memorial Foundation has set up a GoFundMe page to help raise the remaining funds needed to make the peace officer memorial a reality.

“It’s been 13 years and we are so close to this memorial being a reality,” said Rob Belanger, President of the Peace Officer Memorial Foundation and MGEU member. “Remembering and honouring those who gave the ultimate sacrifice is our way of paying tribute to them. As Manitobans we must show that their selflessness does not go unnoticed.” 

“Every worker should go home safe at the end of the day, but sadly that isn’t the case,” said Michelle Gawronsky, MGEU President. “This memorial will be a place where families can remember their loved ones and where the public can thank them for their public service.”

Forty-eight peace officers have died on the job since 1880. The MGEU represents over 2,700 members with peace officer status, including conservation officers, correctional officers and sheriffs.

Annual Memorial Service This Sunday

On Sunday, September 24, 2017, the 19th Annual Provincial Police and Peace Officers Memorial service will be held at the Manitoba Legislature. Organized by the Manitoba Association of Chiefs of Police, the service honours the Police and Peace Officers who have lost their lives while serving here in Manitoba. All are welcome to attend and show their appreciation for our fallen officers.

When: Sunday, September 24, 2017 - 11:00am 
Where: Winnipeg - Manitoba Legislature (south side)

The Government of Canada officially proclaimed the last Sunday of September of every year as Police and Peace Officers’ National Memorial Day in 1998. A service is held annually on Parliament Hill. This National Memorial Day gives Canadians an opportunity to formally express appreciation for the dedication of police and peace officers, who made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our communities safe.

To make a donation to the Manitoba Peace Officers Memorial, visit