Sept 13 CCF rally montage

Nearly a thousand MGEU members and supporters of our universal, public health care system rallied at the Legislative building over the lunch hour today, sending a clear message to the government — put care first!

“Brian Pallister campaigned on a promise to protect public services and the people who provide them. But now his government is turning its back on Manitoba families with reckless cuts to our health care — including privatizing services,” Gawronsky said. “Polls show the vast majority of Manitobans disagree with what this government is doing and the huge crowd out here today is speaking up for us.”

Instead of making sure patients get quality care, where and when they need it, the Provincial government has already:

  • announced plans to close ERs in Winnipeg — as well as an urgent care centre, four QuickCare clinics and the Victoria General Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit and Mature Women's Health Centre .
  • frozen wages and laid-off staff, including workers at Victoria General Hospital.
  • announced plans to reduce physiotherapy and occupational therapy services in hospitals, and cut lactation consultation services at Health Sciences Centre.
  • eliminated the Hospital Home Care Teams that helped seniors and other vulnerable people live at home with independence and dignity.
  • cancelled health care construction projects that would have helped cut wait times and bring care to more people, sooner.
  • increased service user fees and talked about privatizing things like home care, MRIs, and air ambulances.
  • slashed the number of health care bargaining units with heavy-handed legislation that will cause months, if not years, of uncertainty and upheaval in the system.

“The damage to our health care is already starting, and it's only going to get worse unless we stand up together,” she said. “Most of us in this province believe the government’s so-called “cost-saving” schemes are going too far, too fast.  We say it’s time to put care first, and stand up for the health of all Manitobans.”

Watch and share our new TV ad showing the vital role MGEU health care workers have in delivering quality, accessible care. 

Send Premier Pallister a message and tell him that care comes first.

Share the Care Comes First message on social media with images of MGEU health care workers.

Learn more at our campaign headquarters